Student Access Grade K-5 Resources
Catalog & Account
NC Cardinal
Click to access your StudentAccess account and search the full library catalog here. Note that only items held locally at Johnston County Affiliated Libraries may be checked out using your Student Access account. Max 10 items out.
Digital Library
Click to access thousands of downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, readalongs, and streaming videos for children pre-K through middle school.
A Collection of Online Databases
Click to access all the resources below and many more in one place.
Language Learning Program
Click to access a fun way to learn any of 110 languages with self-directed lessons, films, cultural anecdotes and more! FREE with your Student ID Number.
SIRS Discoverer
From ProQuest
Click to research resources including articles, nonfiction books, images, and activities for elementary and middle school students.
Knowledge Source
From ProQuest
Click to access current topics most studied and debated by students, including “pros and cons”.
Biography Reference Center
Full-text Biographies
Click to access a collection of biographies on notable personalities from around the world, including actors, artists, athletes, authors, musicians, world leaders, inventors and more.
NoveList Plus
Find Your Next Read
Click to access the secret to finding your next great read! NoveList Plus is a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations, available through libraries around the world.